The Australia Timor-Leste Friendship Network Inc (AusTimorFN) introduced a paid membership in early 2017 to support its operating costs.
22 Champion Friendship Groups responded and as a result, AusTimorFN has remained a strong voice in promoting and connecting the Friendship Groups. Another 3 organisations also made donations to support our work.

AusTimorFN’s financial position has also been supported by the provision of a Forum venue by Victorian Local Government Association in Melbourne, along with reimbursement of some catering expenses by Local Government Victoria. In light of this, the Network Facilitators passed a motion that those Friendship Groups who paid membership in 2017 would get a gratis membership year for 2018.

2019 Membership Fees

The 2019 fees are now due and will remain at the same level as in 2017 and are as follows:

  • $50 per calendar year for each Friendship Group accepted for Registration as a Full member.
  • $30 per calendar year for each Group accepted for Registration as an Associate member.

Benefits of Membership

Full Membership provides each Friendship Group with:

  1. Access to relevant information, which is communicated through AusTimorFNfrom either the Timor-Leste government or Australian government agencies.
  2. Entitlement to one vote at the AusTimorFN Annual General Meeting (AGM). 
  3. Can nominate a candidate for vacant positions on the Management Committee (State Facilitator, National Coordinator, Treasurer, Communications Manager) at the AGM.
    Note: one-third of Management Committee positions will be declared vacant prior to each AGM
  4. A listing on the AusTimorFN website with a link to their own webpage or Facebook page.
    Note: If the Friendship Group has neither, AusTimorFN can host a page on our website.
  5. Access to Reports on Friendship Group Activities and Decentralisation updates.
  6. May post their Fundraising Events to the AusTimorFN Facebook Group.
  7. Each year, up to 4 members of a financial Friendship Group may attend Forums for free. Additional participants will have to pay a set fee for the Forum.
  8. Is entitled to contact their State Facilitator or the National Convenor to request information or advice in regard to Timor-Leste.

Associate Membership provides each Group with the same benefits as Full Membership, except for points 2, 3 and 7, which are as follows:

  • 2. Has NO voting or nomination rights at the AusTimorFN AGM. 
  • 3. May NOT nominate a candidate for Management Committee vacancies at the AGM.
  • 7. Each year, up to 2 members of a financial (Associate) Friendship Group may attend Forums for free. Additional participants will have to pay a set fee for the Forum.

NOTE: On request from Australian or Timor-Leste Government and other organisations, a list of the Registered Member Friendship Groups, including Associate groups will be provided. 
AusTimorFN is often asked to provide this information to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Embassy in Timor-Leste and the Ministry for State Administration (TL).

Making A Payment

Direct payment can be done by Bank Transfer to:

Westpac Acc name: Australia Timor-Leste Friendship Network
BSB: 032 713
Acc No: 242911

Reference: Please put your Friendship Group name as the reference.

Note: If smaller Friendship Groups wish to be a registered member of AusTimorFN, yet find the membership fee difficult, they may explain their case by email to the National Convenor and it will be tabled for consideration at the next facilitators meeting.

…But Some Things Remain Free!

It is still free to…

  1. be on our email list (please encourage all interested people to join us here
  2. join our Facebook Group (you just need to have joined our email list first!)
  3. visit our website
  4. and “Comment is Free” as they say – so please send us any feedback – at the very least it reassures us that you read this!