Below is the invitation for the 5th Conference on Deconcentration, Administrative Decentralization and Local Power, to be held in Dili, Timor-Leste in August 2016.
Timor-Leste’s Vice Minister for State Administration, HE Tomas Cabral, has asked AusTimorFN to extend this invitation to Friendship Group members and Council participants.
Local Government Victoria (LGV) will extend the invitation to Victorian Councils with Municipal Agreements at the Vice Minister’s request. LGV and AusTimorFN are working with the Ministry of State Administration to coordinate Australian participation.
Please note that although the Letter of Invitation is dated 20 June 2016, the Ministry of State Administration has not been able to issue the invitation until now given the need to finalise the English version of the accompanying conference overview.
You can download a copy of the Conference overview / introductory note here (as a PDF document)
Registration form
Click here to download a copy of the Registration Form. Type your details directly into the form and then save it before attaching it to an email.
Please email completed registration forms to:
Maria Goretti Belo,
AND please CC: (to assist AusTimorFN in coordinating Friendship Groups’ participation.)
Ministers Letter of Invitation

To: Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. ______________Subject: Invitation for the ConferenceDear ____________
Timor-Leste emerged as a New State in this millennium. Many efforts had been done, as of its independence in 2002 up to now, to fulfil the requirements as a new emerging Nation. It faced a myriad obstacles and challenges. Decentralization is one among them. Starting from 2003 to 2016 a lot of changes had been taken place in regard to this issue. One of the main questions to the Government is how to provide a good service delivery to the citizens and to improve their social and economic condition of life. Four Conferences had been done in regard to decentralization and Local Power. The Government intends to host the next [5th] Conference on Deconcentration, Administrative Decentralization and Local Government.
Thus, as Vice Minister that responsible for Administrative Decentralization, it is an honour to be given the privilege to invite you to participate on the event. The Conference will be held in Hotel Timor, Avenida/Street Presidente Nicolau Lobato, Dili, Timor-Leste, on 17-18 August, 2016. The participants from each Cities Councils that have friendship with municipalities or Administrative Post in Timor-Leste and the Friendship Groups will have a Local Conference in each Municipality on 14-15 August 2016. For the detail information of the event, please find the annex agenda.
If you have any queries in relation to the Conference, please contact:
From Abroad: Mr Abel Guterres (Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in Canberra) on (+61) 433214818 or through and Mr Rojer Rafael Tomas Soares (Attaché of Education Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in Lisbon) on Mob. (+351) 96 4299282 or Tel.: (+351) 21 39337301 or through /
In Timor-Leste: Mr Abilio Jose Caetano (Director General of Administrative Decentralization) on +670 77311 662 or and Maria Goretti Belo, on (+670) 78011061 or
Thank you for your participation and I look forward to welcoming you at the National Conference.
Your Sincerely,